Chris releasing a big rainbow taken from one of the ponds at Sugar Creek Ranch. SCR has donated a day of fishing for two anglers plus a night of lodging worth $400.
Flyfish 2001 will take place on Saturday, March 17, again at the Spanish Cultural Center in San Francisco. It will begin at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at 3:30 p.m.

The Inside Angler annual Party is the most fun event of the year. Party favors will be placed at each place setting. At 10:00, we start passing out Door Prizes. These include books and videos from some of the most famous names in flyfishing, fly lines, gift certificates for flyfishing items, and flyfishing accessories.

We’ll do as we did last year and call out the names of winners instead of numbers. We write the names of everyone registering for the Party on cards and put them in a bucket, from where we draw the winners. This is a lot better than having people respond to a number.

Many donors of the Raffle Prizes will attend and you can talk directly with them to learn more about their services. They will be stationed around the auditorium.

From when the Party begins until the meal is served at 11:45, games are played with valuable flyfishing items for prizes. Lee Knight, our Party Magician, will perform.

Your choice of entrée for the noontime meal will be between a Roasted New York strip with a mushroom sauce or Paella Marinera, which is a famous Spanish seafood preparation. Each entrée comes with a side dish preceded by a salad and followed by dessert. The Iberia Catering Company does the meal and has always done an outstanding job.

Following the meal, we show slides of each donation. To keep the slide show within a reasonable period of time, we limit the number of donations to twenty-five. During the presentation, we introduce the donors who are present. After a short break, we award the Game Prizes. At 2:45 we draw the winners of the donations. "

Les Johnson
, TIA correspondent from Washington, and his wife Carol, will join us. Les wrote the book on fishing for sea-run cutthroat and co-authored the definitive book on flyfishing for Pacific salmon. Jim Crawford, TIA correspondent living in Montana, contributed to the Canadian Best Seller, "The Gillie," and wrote "Salmon to a Fly," will join us too. I’m sure Les and Jim will be more than happy to answer any angling questions you may have.

"The Inside Angler" Party is only open to current subscribers and their friends. The cost to attend is $50. It is $90 for those who are not subscribers, but a one-year subscription to The Inside Angler is included in the registration fee. Pre-registration is mandatory as the catering company must be notified beforehand on the selection of entrée for each guest. Those interested in attending the Party can contact "The Inside Angler" to receive a Party Packet, which contains a registration from. If you are a current subscriber and haven’t yet received the Party Packet, please let us know so one can be sent.
Tim Tollett assisting Mike with landing a rainbow on McCoy Spring Creek. This donation is a day of fishing for two anglers on McCoy Spring Creek, a half day of guiding by Tim Tollett of Frontier Anglers in Dillon, Montana, plus a night of lodging on McCoy Cattle Ranch worth $575.

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